1. ročník doktorandské filosofické konference

Rhythm and meaning, a phenomenological reading of Deleuze’s rhythmicity

Mgr. Thérèse Gräff
German and French Philosophy, FHS UK Prague

This project proposes to think of rhythmicity as a way to draw light upon processes of meaning-giving. Deleuze’s thoughts on rhythms will be analyzed through a phenomenological lense, focussing on embodied experience. I will start from the perspective of our natural attitude and will interpret its rhythmicity of repeating habits as what Deleuze understands as ‘metric repetition’ of the same, a territorialized rhythmicity, structuring experience, identities, time and space. From there, I will advance towards syncopal moments of border-experiences and their meontic deterritorialization of the meaning-full attitude. I will connect this ‘arrhythmical’ break to what Deleuze refers to as ‚rhythmic repetition’, characterized by dynamism and disruption. This second kind of repetition, repeating difference and correlating with an intense (non-)experiencability, a border of meaning, will be interpreted as crucial moment for the emergence of meanings and it’s potence for changing isochronic territories. I will argue in favor of an understanding of rhythmicity as plurality, encompassing those different repetitions and their interdependence: one repetition leading to ‘the other’. I will in furthermore analyze what kind of attitude correlated with the thinking of this different, epoché-like ‘a-rhythmicity’: if we’d include syncopal difference into metric every day repetition, an increase of dynamism towards interchangeability of meanings might emerge, as well as the potential for a conscious moving in between the tension of set normalization and the chaos of its alterity. I will as well draw upon the potential for an improvisational composition of everyday meanings in its relation to situatedness and relationality.

Keywords: rhythm, corporeality, affects, border experience, meaning


  • Baranova, J., Junutytė, L., Duoblienė, L. (2016). Rythm and Refrain: In Between Philosophy and Arts. Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius.
  • Grüny, Ch., Nanni, M. (2014). Rhythmus – Balance – Metrum. Formen raumzeitlicher Organisation in den Künsten. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.
  • Grosz, E. (2008). Deleuze and the framing of the earth – Chaos, Territory, Art. Columbia University press, New York.
  • Beaulieu, A. (2004). Gilles Deleuze et la phénoménologie. Collection De nouvelles possibilités d’existence n°12, Éditions Sils Maria.
  • Sepp, H. R. (2017). Philosophie der imaginären Dinge. Orbis Phaenomenologicus, Königshausen und Neumann.