1st year of Doctoral Philosophical Conference

Practical Information

The Perspectives of Thought conference is a place where PhD students in philosophy can present their research, discuss and establish new research contacts. Those interested in actively participating in the conference should submit abstracts of their papers in accordance with the instructions on the Call For Papers page. Each paper will be given 20 minutes for actual presentation + 10 minutes for discussion. The conference space is equipped with a computer and projection technology, so speakers have the possibility to complement their papers with an electronic presentation (PowerPoint, etc.).

The conference will take place from Thursday 12 September to Saturday 14 September 2024 at the Academic Conference Centre of the CAS in Prague, Husova 4. Light refreshments will be available throughout the conference, and participants will also have the opportunity to attend joint dinners.

Please send any questions or suggestions to perspektivy@flu.cas.cz.